I think it is safe to assume we all have our favorite candy or better yet a candy bar. If I’m at the store, I have a tough time turning down anything with the word Reece’s on it.
It’s a Brand thing! I know it will have that peanut butter flavor that I love, but what if we took that brand identity thing in a different direction? What if we used something besides an established candy company brand on the name of a NEW candy bar you invent?
Pick one of the following for your Candy Bar Brand:
- a movie
- a novel
- a TV show
- a sports team
- a comic book
- a non candy company
Simple rules:
- Try to tie in an element of the choice you made.
- Taste
- Color
- Ingredients
- etc.
- It can be an existing candy bar with a name change but give a reason why it fits with the brand.
- Have fun!
Bonus: Try any of the Reece’s candy bars and write a quick review.
The Avabar
Blue Colored chocolate surrounding an Earthy crunchy granola center.