
Had a chance to pick up a paintbrush that wasn't for painting a room. Water, Acrylic paint, and a little sandpaper. Da Vinci while painting would stimulate all his other senses with fine wine, strong cheeses, and violin music. I had beer, Cheez-its, and the Beastie Boys. Kick It!

Where Does Creativity Come From?

After walking around the MoMA today I was wondering where creativity comes from and what drives humans to create. This article just touches on the possible answer and a possible way to rejuvenate creative energy in all of us. Try new things, experiment, and make a mess. You'll never know…

It’s Nerf or Nothing!

Given the choice between Nerf or Nothing I find in most instances I would choose Nerf or be very bored. That seemed too easy, so I started thinking about examples or choices where I would prefer Nothing to having to pick Nerf. What toppings do you want on your pizza,…