I’ve learned a few things about living in a house with both my mother-in-law who is a baker, and has a commercial bakery in her house:
- one is I should never bring home, store bought cookies
- the house always smells awesome when you wake up (baking starts at 4:00 am)
- most importantly you learn to love mistakes.
See the small flaw in this cupcake?
There is a little extra cake hanging over the edge. This is a cupcake disaster even though it still tasted delicious (that’s chocolate with a peanut butter creme filling and yes I ate it) but it would not have made it to Ooma‘s display case at the bakery anyway. It did inspire a creative challenge though.
Now this is not a major flaw for a cup cake (I did say it was delicious) but I can’t eat them all and it can happen frequently. Here is the assignment:
- Come up with a marketing or advertising gimmick that will help sell these lopsided cupcakes.
- Give them a special name
- Change the flavor if you think it helps
- Have fun!
Bonus: There is a reason this happens to cupcakes while baking, come up with you best guess as to why. Most original idea wins an official Mojogoing.com Empty envelope.
Hi! Dilly Hayes here for “Thumbcakes”, the new cupcake from Oxybakery!
“Thumbcakes” are baked fresh everyday and feature the most innovative design in cupcake creation: an integrated Thumb Hold Cake Rest!
Now, you can enjoy your cupcake without all the gooey mess that comes with it. The baked in “thumb rest” allows you to consume your cup cake like holding a cup of coffee. You can now enjoy your morsel with the ease of mind that your fingers will stay clean and won’t give you away as the “sweets bandit” again. Eat from the top, or the side, it won’t slide out of your hand. With your thumb resting securely on the “thumb rest” you can gradually pull off the wrapping as you eat. It’s a “piece of cake!” And the best part of all, once you consume your Thumbcake, you can eat the Thumb Hold Cake Rest!
Call right now and you’ll receive a 25 count package of Thumbcake napkins. Enjoy!
i would eat that little bit extra first…i wouldn’t be able not to
Horizontally challenged cupcakes. Provides a runway for your tongue to take off licking.
What doth it matter that her cupcake overfloweth? Doth not a cupcake by any other thape taste jutht as thweet?
Actually, the cupcake reminds me of one of the melting clocks you see in the Salvador Dali painting “Persistence of Memory”.
Maybe it’s a bit too obvious, but for a special name, “Dalicious” comes to mind. “There’s no better time to stop and eat one. They are surreally good”!