Regrettable Band Names

Have you ever wondered if there are any bands that before they were famous, just picked anything for a name. Then became famous and now were stuck with it. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="453" caption="Photo from actual record store."] [/caption] The photo shows a few but can you think of any…

There I fixed it

Creative solutions to some simple problems. If you have a home repair issue you've been trying to figure out how to take care of look here for some creative solutions. Share some of your own creative DIY fix it ideas.

Walking in Newport

While walking through Newport, RI, I decided to have a little fun taking pictures of common street signs. I have no idea what I'll do with them yet but it was fun looking for them and setting up a quick shot. Here is a link to my results. click image…

Will pose 4 food

Being away from home for a training seminar, I didn't have access to usual array of creative tools. I was also participating in the annual Thing a Day challenge and hadn't posted anything yet. Earlier, I had visited a Newberry Comics and picked up this little guy and quickly made…

Top 10 Creativity Building Games

These games are great to just stick the game or cards on your desk or in a common area at work. Take 15 minute try to do any of the challenges by yourself, a coworker or your family. JabberJot Scattergories Cranium Pictionary Your Pulling My Leg Squiggle Balderdash Backseat Drawing…

Compose a meal

This may be more difficult then is sounds. Come up with a pretty standard meal Main dish Drink Side The trick is you have to do it all with song lyrics or song titles. Rules: If you are using just a line from a song please give the song title…

No Rain, No Rainbows!

It's my favorite line in a commercial running right now. "If Movie studios ran the world" the guy in charge of the rain mutters it after he is told to turn off the rain. He puts a positive spin on his job. This exercise I want you to try to…

Ten Tips to Inspire Creativity

Everyone can get into a creative slump. Here are ten ways to stimulate your creative juices and generate fresh inspiration. Create art in a new place. Try something new. Read. Go back to your roots. Go radical. Teach. Get gabby. Rewind. Take a break. Give yourself a blank slate. Read…