Time Travel Texting

Time Travel Texting

OK, so you haven’t perfected it but you’re close. You invented a time machine but can only send a message through time. One five word sentence. There is no reason to send one sentence forward through time, Outlook can do that, but there may be some value in sending a message back in time.

You don’t want to mess up the space time continuum, so don’t try to make a huge historical change. You DO want to cash in! So what very short message would you send to your past self? It has to be five words or less. You have to be able to make money from this advice. You only have the one shot.  You have to tell us to what year or to what age you are sending the message. Have fun!

Bonus: Put a message or an event in your calendar exactly one year from now about anything you want, at any number of words you want. Do it for five years from now.